Call for Proposals 2024-2025

The Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity is currently accepting applications for the 2024/2025 grant cycle!

     Apply Here     

The deadline to apply for the Spring is February 14.  Decisions will be sent out by February 21.


Purpose and Scope of Grants

The intent of CCSRE grant funding is to encourage and support individuals or groups in their engagement with topics relevant to the study of race, ethnicity and social difference through teaching, research, artistic expression or programming. This includes but is not limited to:

  1. Research projects or artistic endeavors that are relevant to the theme and the study of race, ethnicity and/or social difference;
  2. Programming, community engagement and performances that reflect the theme and focus on issues relevant to race and ethnicity and/or social difference;
  3. Class-linked trips that directly engage issues of race, ethnicity and social difference;
  4. Work groups interested in more examining an issue related to the theme or work of the Center
  5. Presentations or attendance at conferences or workshops related to the work of the Center.

CCSRE Grants are open to all faculty, staff and students. These grants are made available to support research, programming, the arts, and/or community engagement projects related to the critical study of race, ethnicity and social difference.

Amount of Grants

Individual awards of up to $1000 will be awarded to those groups or individuals whose proposals meet the eligibility criteria.

Application Guidelines

The following requirements should be carefully considered before submitting your proposal:

  1. All funds must be used within the 2024-2025 budget cycle. Funds not yet spent by May 1, 2025, will be returned to the CCSRE general operating budget unless prior approval has been given to expend monies beyond that date.
  2. Priority will be given to those who do not normally have access to other types of grant funding at the college.
  3. All applicants must utilize the application proposal google form. Proposals received using any other format than the online form will not be eligible for review.


Applicants will receive two email notifications. The first email notification will confirm receipt of the proposal. The second email notification will delineate the outcome of the panel review, the award disposition and the guidelines to access funding.

Administration of Grants

Those who receive grants are expected to fulfill the following requirements:

  1. To submit a final report summarizing the project and, evaluating its impact and outcomes.
  2. To attend an end of the year commemoration of all recipients

These reports and presentations are very important and are used to measure the overall impact of CCSRE support for the academic year. The CCSRE will also use information from these reports on their website as examples of successful grant proposals.

Contact Information

For further information, please contact CCSRE Assistant Director, Laura Todorov at /

1 In this instance, the term “critical” refers to work that seeks to confront the social, historical, and ideological forces and structures that produce and constrain social life. Critical theory is oriented toward critiquing and changing society, while traditional theory is only oriented to understanding or explaining it.