As a theater major at Connecticut College, you are immersed in the art, craft, and theory of theater – acting, directing, design, technical theater, playwriting, dramaturgy, and dramatic literature. We have three theater spaces on campus, and the creative process of making theater is happening in at least one of them at any given moment. The liberal arts offer limitless ways for you to explore connections with other disciplines that will enrich your theater studies. You develop a strong working relationship with your professors. They direct and critique your performances, and are available for ongoing consultation and discussion. At Connecticut College, theater is an investigation that inspires you intellectually and creatively, and the working relationships you build can last well beyond your time on campus.

Performances and productions

You can participate in our main stage productions as well as in independent productions sponsored by the department or by student groups. Works recently staged include The Moors, Cat Refugees, Three Sisters, and Urinetown, a musical collaboration with the departments of music and dance. As a senior, you may choose to work with a faculty mentor on a one-semester capstone project or a two-semester honors study in writing, performing, directing or design. The project represents the culmination of your college study of theater and may serve as a starting point for future work.

Special opportunities

You have many opportunities to intern at regional or New York theaters, study abroad and collaborate with guest artists in acting, directing, design, playwriting, and dramaturgy. Students have completed summer internships at the nearby Eugene O’Neill Theater Center as well as the Pearl Theatre, the Signature Theatre, The Public Theater, and the New York Theater Workshop, all in New York City. In your junior year, you can study at theater institutes in the U.S. or abroad. Recently, students have gone to Moscow, Italy and Ireland.

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