Final Grades are submitted in Self Service. Scroll down for Self Service instructions.
Late grades delay graduation and end of semester processing. Please adhere to deadlines.
Fall grades are due on the second business day after the observance of New Year’s Day. *For fall 2024, grades are due no later than 12 pm (noon) on Friday, January 3.
Spring, graduating student grades are due by 4 p.m. on the day after final exams end for seniors. *For spring 2025, grades for graduating seniors, including walkers, must be submitted no later than 4 pm on Tuesday, May 13.
Spring, non-graduating student grades are due on the second business day after Commencement. *For spring 2025, this deadline is 4 pm on Tuesday, May 20.
- If unable to submit a grade because the student never attended, the student withdrew, or an honor code violation has been reported, email Please provide the reason, the student's name, ID, course number, subject, title and CRN.
- If you will be submitting a D grade (D+, D, D-) or F for a student, or you will be submitting an Incomplete grade ("I" grade) for a student and granting them extra time to complete the work in your course, use the End-of-Semester Academic Report for Students of Concern, found in the For Faculty section of CamelWeb, to inform the student's class dean.
Incomplete GradesStudents who have participated in class and completed the majority of the work in the class but not completed all course requirements because of emergency or illness may request a temporary grade of Incomplete. Incompletes may only be granted after Limited Withdrawal ends and through the end of the examination period. Students should consult both the instructor and their class dean, and must submit the request officially to the instructor no later than the end of the examination period. There may be times when the student is incapacitated, when the request may come from the class dean. After discussing any relevant issues with the class dean, the instructor shall make the final determination as to whether or not to allow the temporary grade of Incomplete. Incomplete grades may not be given in the spring semester to graduating seniors. Incompletes are recorded in the Grade Entry System at the time that grades are due. Record the incomplete grade as well as the grade the student would have received in the course if they received no credit for the missing work (the incomplete grades appear on the grade roster as I.A, I.A-, I.B+, I.B, I.B-, I.C+, I.C, I.C-, I.D+, I.D, I.D-, I.F, I.NP, , I.P, I.S, I.U). This will become the default grade (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, NP, P, S, U) to be recorded as the permanent grade should the student not complete the work by the deadline. All work must be completed and submitted to the instructor as soon as possible but no later than four weeks after the end of the examination period. If the Incomplete has been given for the fall semester, the instructor must submit a permanent grade no later than the end of the first week of classes in the spring semester. If the Incomplete has been given for the spring semester, the instructor should submit a permanent grade as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the first week of classes in the fall semester. To submit the permanent grade, use the Change of Grade form found in CamelWeb in For Faculty. The Office of the Registrar will convert the incomplete grade to the reported default grade if a final grade has not been submitted at the end of the drop/add period of the following semester.